Managing a Large Project

The way these projects are managed has changed in the last 10 or so years. In days of yore a proposal would be based upon a client’s brief, developed, tested and signed off. Once the brief is agreed, that is what is quoted for. Big projects with a big price tag. Modification and testing costs may be included, or billed separately. A couple of small modifications are sometimes included, more often quoted as ‘extras’. As are client caused delays. Many would have support packages to extend the project as it grew and developed, eliminating the problem with change orders.

This puts a large burden on all involved, developers work under financial pressure whilst the client has to keep up with unfamiliar technology and takes a hard financial hit at the end.

Assuming all goes well. And the original brief was correct and complete

Staging development and payments can help, though not always the answer. Projects can fail for many reasons, expectations not being met, or clients running out of passion or money. Entire agencies have gone out of business before completion whilst the client chases funding. This works for no-one.
The road to hell is paved with good intentions etc. ..

Learn more about building a website

[article part of Supporting YouBuilding Your Site]

Windows 10 Being Installed By Force

[content re-written for information purposes: original article reference at the end]

Microsoft have confirmed to The Register on Sept. 10 that the necessary files for the upgrade from Windows 7 and Windows 8.1 systems to Windows 10 have been pushed via Windows Update .. “For those who have chosen to receive automatic updates through Windows Update, we help customers prepare their devices for Windows 10 by downloading the files necessary for future installation” [Microsoft spokesperson] Continue reading “Windows 10 Being Installed By Force”

Our Human Service

Although you cant create a new site online yet – we are building the technology right now – drop us an email (info@_the obvious_) and we will manually install it for you. We have already started to move our WordPress clients onto this platform, so you are most welcome to join them.

A More Human, Hands-on Approach

We prefer to take a more human, hands on appoach, that is, we aren’t trying to build a global online business, rather to provide a friendly, supported system enabling users to get on with what they want to do, blog and build straightforward sites.

We want to enable bloggers, charities and non-profit organisations get online, increasing their presence and computing literacy. No age or background should be barred from having an online voice. We will do this by providing afford services, quality hosting with selectable levels of support by email, Skype and direct intervention in your admin panel (only on request).

Something more complex? No problem, we can provide and implement custom development and design for you.

Non-profit group?
– email us if you need preferential rates

Hello world!

We will shortly present services, news and tips of getting the most from WordPress, so check back soon.

Naturally WordPress provide economical hosting of WordPress installations for everyone, running on business grade services.

A Personal Service to those who need just a helping hand, and those wanting full support, as technology trainers we can help you all the way. Maybe only whilst you are getting your feet wet or for years down the line, we are on call to provide guidance or problem solving, even personal customisation and development if needed.

Naturally WordPress is brought to you by NW3biz who provide tech. solutions to small businesses, startups, non-profits and charities as well as non-commercial individuals.

It is a well known problem among developers, they never have enough time to finish their own sites!
Please forgive us, as we keep returning, adding more design and content

Apple Not Killing Spotify Softly?

Have we seen this before over the ‘arrangements’ Apple made with e-book publishers in the recent years?

Apple, the company name that originally agreed to not operate in the same business as the Beatles, sic. music, will be launching its own music service in June 2015. Obviously the biggest competitor in this field is Spotify, those dastardly people who have actually been giving stuff away for free since 2008. Having recently splurged $3 billion on Beats Music, Apple’s fruits will have to find a way to repay their poor shareholders of course, so remember them for a moment. Continue reading “Apple Not Killing Spotify Softly?”

A Simple Way To Eliminate Superfish from Lenovo

It takes maybe less than 30 minutesInstall Linux 😉

Seriously, would you trust your machine without completely wiping the hard disk and reinstalling (something) anyway? And if there’s any residual Windows infection on the hardware you need an operating system immune to Windows nasties.
Personally, I would consider replacing the hard disk as well